Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sahasranama app for iPhone and iPad

Sahasranama app is intended for everyone.Read these slokas while in commute,at the work place,at home,in the temple or when you are in a religious group.You no longer have to carry a book wherever you go.You are always a 'touch' away from this powerful mantra.With the availability of audio for Sahasranama stotra,you can listen to the stotras and read through the text at the same time for a better experience.We have added Vishnu's different avatar images with this application.We have added more features like the PDF File of sloga,MP3 File and Ring tone File with this application to share with your friend and your relation circle.

Monday, March 12, 2012

ios 5.1 with xcode 4.2 for iOS development

To get Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard to run code on a device running 5.1 you can do this:
If you have another Mac running Lion + XCode 4.3.1 you can copy the files from:
"/Applications/ (9B176)"
to the equivalent place on your SL Mac: probably "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport"
and also copy 'version.plist' from the Lion machine in the iPhoneOS.platform folder to the SL machine.
Re-start XCode on the SL machine and re-connect the devices and it seems happy enough.
[If you don't have access to a machine with Lion+4.3.1 you can get the files out of the 4.3.1 DMG which can be downloaded from Apple here:
then mount the DMG, Show Package Contents on the XCode icon and drill down to
/Volumes/Xcode/ to
find the files mentioned above.]