Thursday, May 5, 2011

Backup iPhone Pictures – Mac Tips

Listen to this episode
When you have problems with your iPhone, you may have no other choice than to RESTORE it back to the factory state. Before you restore, iTunes says it is making a backup of your phone. However, it isn’t making a backup of any photos you have taken with it. So when the phone is restored, all of your photos will be gone. The good news is that If you have your iPhone set to sync your photos with iPhoto automatically when you plug it in, you may be OK. However, if you are like me and choose for the iPhone not to launch iPhoto when you connect it… well, you need to backup those pics.

How to do it:

1. Plug-in your iPhone and launch iPhoto. iPhoto will detect your iPhone, and you can now choose to import all or import selected pictures.
Doing this will add pictures you have taken with your iPhone into your iPhoto library.

Another Way – Image Capture

You can also use Image Captureimagecapture.png to do the same thing, but not add them to your iPhoto library.
1. Plug-in your iPhone. Launch Image Capture. You can find it in your Applications folder. If you don’t see it there, look in the Utilities folder. Note: On the podcast, I said it will be in the utilities folder… I forgot that it may reside in Applications.
2. Now it will detect your iPhone, and you can choose to Download Some or Download ALL to your Mac.

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